I believe it’s everyone’s right to feel confident, beautiful, & sexy.


I believe that we are very powerful, however somehow that notion is so often abandoned and replaced with self-doubt. Self-doubt turns into inaction. Inaction leads to poor health. Time on this earth is precious; each moment is filled with too much beauty. We have the power to control our health- of course, to a certain degree. However, too often we forget just how powerful we are.

It took years for me to truly believe this. I remember the feeling of being small and insignificant. I remember looking in the mirror and not liking the person I saw. I remember not being comfortable in my own skin.

It is often said that certain things are “simple” but not “easy”. Such is the task of self-empowerment. It doesn’t take much. We owe it to ourselves. We DESERVE it.

I’m a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Professional Running Coach, Certified Health Coach, Figure Pro, Marathoner, Tri-athlete, Crossfitter, and self-proclaimed Foodie with a passion for empowering my clients.

We have so much to look forward to in this life – the beauty within us is so much more significant and forceful than we could ever imagine. If you’ve been waiting for the perfect time to get back “into shape” – now is that time. Want to improve your marathon time? You can, and you will. Physique Competition coming up? Reach out! I have a lot of experience with many different training techniques.

Whatever your goals may be, everything will be done to help you reach them.


